Editor: Gerard Sharpling
Editorial Board: Dario Banegas, Peter Brown, Jo Gakonga, Steve Mann, Troy McConachy, Annamaria Pinter, Gerard Sharpling (Chief Editor), Richard Smith (Chair) and Ema Ushioda
Contents | Contributors
ELTED around the world
Book review
Editorial Board: Dario Banegas, Peter Brown, Jo Gakonga, Steve Mann, Troy McConachy, Annamaria Pinter, Gerard Sharpling (Chief Editor), Richard Smith (Chair) and Ema Ushioda
Contents | Contributors
- Sue Leather - How does a virtual community of practice for teacher trainers impact on their professional practice?
- Brenda Malkiel - Developing empathy through role reversal: a personal case study.
- Huy V. Phung - Leveraging open educational resources for secondary English teacher development in Vietnam.
- Anitha Devi Pillai and Linda Hanington - Supporting pre-service teachers’ development as writers and writing teachers.
- Gimena San Martin - A supervisor’s scaffolding strategies in EFL teacher education: a case study in Argentina.
- Jason Anderson - The role of initial teacher training courses in the professional development of experienced non-native-speaker English language teachers.
- Fadel Alsawayfa – A journey in learning and teaching drama through poems: An autoethnography of self and beyond.
- David Gerlach - Reflective Tasks: An approach to integrating reflective practice in (foreign) language teacher education and development.
ELTED around the world
- Kuchah Kuchah and Richard Smith - An invitation to Teacher Association Research.
Book review
- Malba Barahona and Francisca Hernandez - Review of Banegas, D. (ed). (2017). Initial English Language Teacher Education: International perspectives on research, curriculum and practice. London: Bloomsbury.